Lichtundfire’s “PANTA RHEI – Everything Flows (Heraclitus)” SHOW

Lichtundfire's "PANTA RHEI – Everything Flows (Heraclitus) | Cosmic Impermanence." With Gretl Bauer, Leslie Ford, Edward M. Giordano Jr., Victoria Lowe, Tammi Meehan and Gerald Wolfe. Concept by Priska Juschka. • Exhibition Dates: May 2nd, 2024 to May 25th, 2024 • OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, May 3rd - 5:30 to 8:00 pm EVENTS (concurrent with the Exhibition): · POETRY READING - MARIE G. FOCHIOS, Intimate Reflections: Wednesday, May 8th | 6:30 PM · LES Gallery Nights | Lower East Side Galleries Open till 8 PM COLLECTORS NIGHT- Curatorial Exhibition ... Read more