Lichtundfire’s “MINIMAL | MAXIMAL – The Principle of Convergence” SHOW

Lichtundfire's "MINIMAL | MAXIMAL – The Principle of Convergence" Les Extrêmes Se Touchent – The Extremes Touch (after Blaise Pascal) With Simcha Brian Adam, Gianluca Bianchino, Bettina Blohm, Rachael Bohlander, Krystyna Borkowska, Richie Budd, William Carroll, Katie Chin, Judy Collischan, Fernando Colón-González, Andréa DeFelice, Maura Falfan, Otero Fuentes, George Goodridge, Elizabeth Knowles, Matthew Langley, Grant McGrath, Michael Nathaniel Meyer, Victoria Palermo, Stella Pfeiffer, Fred Poisson, Joan Reutershan, Marybeth Rothman, Arlene Rush, Jane Sangerman, RJ Wafer, Pamela J Wallace, Mariana Carolina Wuethrich, and Cassandra ... Read more