PANTA RHEI Everything Flows May 2024 @ Lichtundfire

LESLIE FORD, Swimlane Flowchart Cool 18, Watercolor on Arches Paper, 12 x 12 in.

Lichtundfire’s “PANTA RHEI – Everything Flows (Heraclitus) | Cosmic Impermanence.

With Gretl Bauer, Leslie Ford, Edward M. Giordano Jr., Victoria Lowe, Tammi Meehan and Gerald Wolfe.

Concept by Priska Juschka.

• Exhibition Dates: May 2nd, 2024 to May 25th, 2024
• OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, May 3rd – 5:30 to 8:00 pm

EVENTS (concurrent with the Exhibition):
· POETRY READING – MARIE G. FOCHIOS, Intimate Reflections:
Wednesday, May 8th | 6:30 PM

· LES Gallery Nights | Lower East Side Galleries Open till 8 PM
COLLECTORS NIGHT- Curatorial Exhibition Walk Thru & RECEPTION:
Thursday, May 16 | 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Evening Introduction by Will Corwin.

READING & RECEPTION: Wednesday, May 22 | 6:30 PM

Lichtundfire Jonathan Goodman the Sleep of Reason book

Jonathan Goodman, The Sleep of Reason
Publisher: Orange Art Foundation; Cover Design & Artwork: Harold Wortsman

• Gallery Hours:
WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY: 12 – 6 PM and by appointment.

Lichtundfire is pleased to present and welcomes all to the Opening Reception of PANTA RHEI — Everything Flows (Heraclitus) — Cosmic Impermanence.
Inspired by the Greek pre-socratic Philosopher Heraclitus (500 BC), and his idea of constant change – all things are in flux – this exhibition in various media addresses the concept of a world that Heraclitus describes as “always becoming but never being.”

Panta Rhei = everything flows, the Greek term for the realization of a conundrum- that in Heraclitus’ words, “No man ever steps in the same river twice,” with the joined connotation/meaning that both neither the river nor the man/human will be the same a second time.

PANTA RHEI Everything Flows May 2024 @ Lichtundfire installation view

PANTA RHEI | Everything Flows, Installation View (detail) Lichtundfire, 2024

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Lichtundfire: 175 Rivington Street, NY 10002
Contact: Priska Juschka,, New Tel: 917-675-7835
Gallery Hours
    · Wednesday to Saturday 12pm to 6pm

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